If you were born between 1995 and 2001, you probably spent your formative years with Cole Sprouse. He and his identical twin, Dylan, starred in Disney Channel’s The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, about two rambunctious pre-teens living in a hotel. After a spin-off, Sprouse headed to New York University to study archaeology. With that out of the way, he played the narrator of the CW’s hit series Riverdale and the monster in Diablo Cody’s Lisa Frankenstein. Here, he shares his nighttime routine, which is light on skin care and heavy on gaming.

When do you start getting ready for bed?
I’m a night owl. I go to bed late because I like to play video games. I play everything. I play with Dylan and a bunch of buddies. Right around when I start to get tired and my body goes, “You can’t do this anymore,” I get up. I lock the house, and I shut off all the lights.

what do you eat and drink while gaming?
Water and fancy sparkling water. La Croix is the must-have.

Take us through your skin-care routine.
For many years, I was the most cliché example of a guy with a skin-care routine: it was a bar of soap. I’d wash my face, go to sleep, and I’d be super dry by the morning. My girlfriend was like, “You should do a skin-care routine. You’re an actor.” And I’m like, you’re probably right.

I got a single pot of face lotion. It’s Tata Harper. I’ll wash my face with water, dry my face, then I’ll put my skin lotion on. If I’m wearing makeup on set, I will take the makeup off and do a cleanser. I think there might be one more step, but I have to be honest—I’m not the best at it.

Once you’re in bed, are you watching or reading anything?
Sometimes I’ll read manga. I have the Shonen Jump app on my phone. I’m currently reading Yu Yu Hakusho.

How long does it take you to fall asleep?
I’m a bad sleeper. Usually I’ll fall asleep when my body is like, you have no more energy left. Then I’ll wake up four hours later. That’s why I got bags under my eyes, which I’ve had since I was a child. I was taught Transcendental Meditation. I tried melatonin for a bit. But I’m not a big believer in sleep stuff. If I’m awake, it’s because I have energy. And if I’m asleep, it’s because I’m tired. Sleeplessness is part of my charm, I like to think.

How do you relax after a day of shooting?
Video games are the way I decompress, because I know nothing about the production process. I’m purely passive. I’m just an audience member enjoying something. It allows me to come in, blank out, have fun, and turn off.

Like five years ago, it was very clear that I was doing my homework when I was watching something. I can hear A.D.R. [automated dialogue replacement] from a mile away. If we turn a film on, I could point it out. During COVID, I was one of those guys that was trying to be enlightened, like I’m going to watch all the things I’m supposed to and I’m gonna get really physically fit. I got myself a Criterion Collection account and did not watch any of it. I wanted to tune out, so I ended up watching reality and survival shows.

Onto your pajamas …
I don’t wear pajamas. That’s all I’ll say about that.

Are you particular about your sleep conditions?
I need it very dark, a little bit of white noise, and cold. I’m like a fucking vampire. The sweet spot for me is about 68 degrees. I found out recently that in order to fall asleep your brain has to cool down by two degrees. I like when it’s a little chilly when you put yourself under the covers.

how about your bed?
One of my co-stars on Riverdale, Cami [Mendes], got sent an extra Casper mattress, and I went over there with my dad and we just threw it in the back of a truck. This is the nicest mattress I’ve ever laid on. It is so comfortable. It’s like a tomb—it’s really hard to get out of. I sleep on my chest with my arm up, which is probably horrible. I have one pillow that’s very thin and soft, then another pillow that’s a little bit more robust.

Most bizarre nighttime habit?
I thrash in my sleep. When I was younger, I fell off bunk beds. I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid, like really bad. I would end up in really strange parts of the house, like parts of the house that I wouldn’t dare go to when I was awake. I left the house twice, but I didn’t get past the driveway.

How did you stop sleepwalking?
I just kicked it. I have no idea why. But then every once in a while I think, how do I know, unless someone else spots me? Maybe I’m super sneaky.

Where’s your favorite place to sleep?
I love camping. I think I sleep best in a tent in a sleeping bag. I wake up, the sun’s coming up, and it’s just perfect.

What’s the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had?
My teacher on The Suite Life was basically my grandma. She was this incredible older woman named Laura. She looked like the grandma equivalent of Nigel Thornberry. She lived in Venice Beach at the time, and she had just built a house. She was like, “Boys, come on over.” I must have been 12, and we stayed in the master bedroom. This is back when Dylan and I were sleeping in the same bed, because you know, we’re twins. The windows were just a little bit open. There was a nice cool beach breeze that was coming in. I woke up, and I had never felt so refreshed in my life. I remember knowing it immediately.

Jensen Davis is a Senior Editor at AIR MAIL