Who can blame Michael Stuhlbarg for being a bit negative these days? The actor, known for his roles on Boardwalk Empire and in Call Me by Your Name, was taking a stroll on New York’s Upper East Side on March 31, the day before previews started for Patriots—The Crown creator Peter Morgan’s new Broadway play, in which Stuhlbarg stars as a Russian oligarch who helps Putin’s rise to political power—when a homeless man hit him in the head with a rock. By some twist of fate, Stuhlbarg chased the man into the custody of police directly outside the Russian consulate. The show went on, and Stuhlbarg took to the stage for the first time since his 2005 Tony-nominated performance in Martin McDonagh’s The Pillowman. Here, he shares his least favorite things, including his very predictable worst New York City moment. —Clara Molot

Preferred deadly sin: Gluttony, probably, but they’re all useful on occasion …
Food that makes you gag: Can stomach most things, but durian was a challenge.
Book you never finished
: Ulysses.
Song you never want to hear again: Any holiday song that is inescapably played everywhere.

Item of clothing you would never wear:
In the right mood, I’ll wear anything.

Worst form of transport: Teleportation—I’d miss the view.
Preferred form of revenge: Thriving.
Favorite curse word: All are welcome.
Least favorite habit (in you)
: Self-doubt.
Least favorite habit (in others)
: Encroachment on personal space.

Least favorite apology: A non-apology.
Least favorite conversational topic: Taxes, insurance, deductibles …
Least favorite present you’ve received
: Shingles.
Worst New York City moment: Getting hit in the head with a chunk of concrete.
THINGS YOU DIDN’T SAY BUT WISH YOU HAD: The millions of questions I would have loved to have asked those I knew and loved who are not here anymore.

Michael’s Essentials

Clockwise from left: a durian; a Simpsons character reads Ulysses, by James Joyce; a shingles vaccine; Star Trek’s Scotty mans the transporter.

Patriots opens at the Barrymore Theatre, in New York, on April 22