Old Costume: Donald Trump.
Alteration: Dye hair dark brown, replace red tie with a blue one.
New Costume: Florida governor Ron DeSantis.

OLD COSTUME: The poop emoji.
NEW COSTUME: Exhibit A in the Johnny Depp–Amber Heard trial.

OLD COSTUME: Hägar the Horrible.
ALTERATION: Lose Viking hat, add multiple layers of shirts and a sport jacket.
NEW COSTUME: Steve Bannon.

OLD COSTUME: The Cowardly Lion.
ALTERATION: Add bulletproof vest.
NEW COSTUME: Uvalde, Texas, law enforcement.

OLD COSTUME: The twins from The Shining.
ALTERATION: Add U.S. House of Representatives lapel pins.
NEW COSTUME: Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.

OLD COSTUME: Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs.
ALTERATION: Add cell phone.
NEW COSTUME: Armie Hammer.

OLD COSTUME: Jabba the Hutt.
ALTERATION: Add an open-collar shirt and sport jacket, both three sizes too small.
NEW COSTUME: Alex Jones.

OLD COSTUME: Harley Quinn.
ALTERATION: Keep baseball bat, add “Make America Great Again” baseball cap.
NEW COSTUME: January 6 insurrectionist.

OLD COSTUME: Ned Flanders.
ALTERATION: Change color of hair and mustache to snowy white.
NEW COSTUME: Former U.S. national-security adviser John Bolton.

OLD COSTUME: The Wicked Witch of the West.
ALTERATION: Lose the pointy black hat.
NEW COSTUME: South Dakota governor Kristi Noem.

OLD COSTUME: Two-person horse costume.
ALTERATION: Just wear the back end.
NEW COSTUME: Senator Ted Cruz.

OLD COSTUME: Statler from The Muppet Show.
ALTERATION: Add aviator sunglasses.

John Ficarra is the former editor of Mad magazine